Jurassic Life (43) - Gift wrap assortment


ROOOAAAR … Are you ready for a visual trip back in time?

Feel the vibrations of a Brachiosaurus shakes the ground? There – the roar of a T-Rex? Or is it just your imagination playing tricks on you? The deep hum of the nearby Giganotosaurus next to your ear is drowned out only by the thundering volcano…

But here: Look how lovingly a Triceratops takes care of its young, while the air from a flying Qeutzalcoatlus buzzes all around you. Enjoy the fascination and the goosebumps moment when the razor-sharp teeth flash in the wide open mouth. But before you look away… unwrap first.

When the dinosaurs disappeared 66 million years ago, nobody was thinking about wrapping paper. But now, with JURASSIC LIFE, the former heavyweights of our planet, guard your surprises for birthdays, grade reports or in between. It took an asteroid to make dinosaurs disappear - today, even a 6-year old can do away with them just by tearing up paper!

  • JURASSIC LIFE creates a gigantic gift-wrapping experience.
  • Ideal for gift decorators for toys, children's fashion and books – 365 days a year.

These products are available for motive: Jurassic Life (43)

Giftwrap counter rolls

Paper shopping bags

Gift bags

Gift certificates

Gift tags

Consumer giftwrap rolls